End of the Season 2014
ALAMAR made it successfully through another season. Here she is drying her sails before shedding them for the winter.
Summer Celebration 2014
ALAMAR played commodious host to A&B's summer celebration - getting many newbies out for a little adventure and island hopping. The weather was glorious and a good time was had by all.
Molnar Adventure (July 2012)
The family Molnar chartered ALAMAR and circumnavigated Deer Isle counter-clockwise via Vinalhaven. The crew put the ship to great use - kudos for the sailing the dingy and lighting the lantern! Another great summer on the coast of Maine... until next year!
Ship's Log: Summer 1965
We have posted some new ships logs from the Summer of 1965. Skipper Carl Chase and Mate Dunc Martin (with a collection of familiar campers and crew) chronicle the ALAMAR's exploits on Penobscot Bay.
Voluntary Rides Again! Sept 2012
Thanks to the unrivaled craftsmanship and dedication of Peter Chase (Cape Rosier Boat Shop), along with the generous support of many family, friends, and AIC alumns, the VOLUNTARY II was launched in Horseshoe Cove in mid September. A crowd was on hand with appropriate libations and she was taken for a spin by the newly married couple.
Summers to Remember
If you're bored at work, longing for the sea, or stuck at the airport in a snowstorm, here are some memories to brighten you up until you sail again!